How to Get Over with your Ex
There is no surefire way to get over an ex boyfriend / girlfriend. When you break up, especially after being together for a long time, it is like losing a part of yourself. Do not fear though - it is not losing a part of yourself, it is just “like” losing a part of yourself. There are a common set of 5 stages of grief that people go through during a breakup: Denial At this point, you cant believe what has happened and you are most likely overwhelmed by shock - half expecting things to go back to “normal”. Anger / Resentment This is when it gets nasty & you might be inclined to do or say things that you will regret to the other person. You blame the other person for causing the situation or wasting years of your life, or being so difficult. In many ways those things are necessary because essentially fighting with each other and causing hurt makes the break up easier to comprehend for each person. Bargaining Im not quite sure that this is next after ang...